Payment for electricity in a new way: will the volume of consumption affect the bills of Ukrainians.

Payment for electricity in a new way
Payment for electricity in a new way

Ukraine introduced a single tariff for electricity for household consumers from June 1, 2024

From June 1, 2024, a single tariff for electricity for household consumers has been introduced in Ukraine - 4.32 UAH per kilowatt-hour. This innovation has raised many questions among the population, especially regarding the difference in payment for those who consume less or more than 100 kWh per month.

YASNO, one of the leading electricity suppliers in Ukraine, provided explanations regarding the new tariff. According to their information, there is now no difference in payment for consumers with different volumes of electricity usage. All household consumers will pay the same price - 4.32 UAH per kilowatt-hour.

However, there is an exception for the heating season. Subscribers who use electric heating and consume up to 2000 kWh per month will have the opportunity to use a preferential tariff - 2.64 UAH per kilowatt-hour.

Electricity supply difficulties may arise in the coming months

At the same Time, YASNO CEO Serhiy Kovalenko warned of possible electricity supply difficulties in the coming months. According to him, starting from October, an increase in electricity consumption is expected, which may lead to new production restrictions. Currently, peak hour demand exceeds the generation capabilities of Ukraine's energy system by 2.4 GWh, and this gap is partially covered by imports.

Kovalenko also drew attention to the uneven restrictions across regions, explaining this by the state of the infrastructure, and not by preferences for specific regions. He urged Ukrainians to take winter preparations seriously, emphasizing that energy workers are working around the clock to restore and maintain the energy system.

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