A new global quality of life ranking published: where Ukraine stands.

Ukraine in quality of life ranking
Ukraine in quality of life ranking

Ukraine at 66th place in quality of life ranking

In the ranking of countries by quality of life, Ukraine took 66th position out of 83 possible. And the top 10 included 9 European countries and one Arabian country.

This is evidenced by the data of the international project Numbeo, which published the annual ranking.

This study provides a unique insight into global trends in the well-being of the population and the comfort of living in various corners of the planet.

Luxembourg topped the list. The country demonstrated impressive performance in key areas: high purchasing power of the population, high level of security, and excellent medical services.


The top ten also included:

  1. The Netherlands: noted for its stable economy and high standard of living
  2. Denmark: known for its developed social support system and safety
  3. Oman: stands out for high safety and purchasing power indicators
  4. Switzerland: known for its stability and top-notch healthcare
  5. Finland: characterized by strong social protection and high quality of life
  6. Iceland: marked by a stable economy and reliable social support
  7. Austria: attracts with safety, stability, and quality healthcare
  8. Norway: stands out for its high standard of living and social protection
  9. Sweden: known for its stable economy and high living standards

Ukraine is positioned at 66th place, reflecting a stable standard of living that is still behind European standards. The quality of life index for the country amounted to 110.7 points. Experts note that despite current challenges, Ukraine shows potential to improve its positions in the future.

Flags of UN member countries

Nigeria closes the list with a quality of life index of 42.7 points, indicating serious problems in the socio-economic sphere of the country.

This ranking is an important tool for analyzing global trends in the field of quality of life and can be used by governments to develop strategies to improve the well-being of their citizens.

Previously, Ukrainians were shown how many years it would take to earn an apartment in European countries.

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