Orban, after a visit to Putin, opened the doors for Russians to the EU.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban and President Vladimir Putin at the meeting
Prime Minister Viktor Orban and President Vladimir Putin at the meeting

Hungary has eased entry conditions for citizens of Russia and Belarus

Hungary has eased entry conditions for citizens of Russia and Belarus following Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visit to Moscow, causing concern among EU partners. According to the German publication RND, Budapest included citizens of these countries in the national card program, which provides for the issuance of a two-year work permit in Hungary with the possibility of extension. Russians can now enter the EU through Hungary without security checks.

EU foreign policy expert Sergey Lagodinsky called Budapest's actions the "wrong approach" in light of the current geopolitical situation. He indicated that it is wrong to tarnish all Russian citizens as regime submarines, but noted that Orban undermines the European migration system while making himself a servant of the Kremlin.

The Hungarian government expects to bring in about 65,000 workers under this program, who will be able to bring their families and obtain permanent residence status after 3 years.

Hungarian policy sharply contrasts with the approach of other EU states, such as Finland, which has completely banned entry for Russians due to Russia's attempts to destabilize the borders and EU countries.

Orban also stated U.S. involvement in the sabotage of the "Nord Stream".

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