Interruptions and stop of passage: Ukrainians were warned about the situation at customs.

Delays in customs clearance
Delays in customs clearance

The State Customs Service of Ukraine plans to carry out technical work to update the server software of the Unified Automated Information System of customs authorities. The work will start on July 30, 2024 at 11:00 PM and will last about 6 hours.

During the work, software malfunctions used by customs officers at checkpoints are possible. However, the system as a whole will remain operational. This means that it will be possible to pass through the state border for people, goods, and vehicles, but delays are possible.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the passage at the "Uzhhorod-car" checkpoint of the Transcarpathian Customs will be completely stopped during the technical work.

The Customs Service urges citizens and business entities to take this information into account when planning to cross the border.

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