Portal to Another World: Skiing Girl Captures Unique Natural Phenomenon in Austria.

Portal to Another World: Unique Natural Phenomenon
Portal to Another World: Unique Natural Phenomenon

Skiier Lenka Lianchi documented an unusual phenomenon during a snowstorm on the ski slope. A

supernatural portal
appeared - a beam of light that looks incredible against the snowy landscape. The video shot by Lenka went viral.

Some users believed this was a miracle, but there is a simple scientific explanation. This phenomenon is called

and occurs when sunlight hits ice crystals in the atmosphere at a direct angle. The combination of snow and a dark background makes the subsun more noticeable.

Although TikTok users received a scientific explanation, they still joked about the supernatural portal. It is worth noting that China is planning to build a new wooden wall, shorter but still impressive, than the Great Wall of China.

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