Returning from Sweden: Ukrainian refugees changed their minds.

return of Ukrainian refugees from Sweden
return of Ukrainian refugees from Sweden

Ukrainian refugees are successfully adapting in Sweden, finding jobs and learning the Swedish language. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by the International Organization for Migration. The report was published, gathering data from 3451 Ukrainian refugees who were interviewed in April and May of 2024.

Overall, 81% of Ukrainian refugees do not plan to change their place of residence, indicating their satisfaction with the conditions and stability. The majority of able-bodied refugees (88%) are already working or looking for work, and those employed make up 66%.

However, some reasons hindering the employment of Ukrainians in Sweden include the language barrier (76%), lack of suitable jobs in the area of residence, lack of necessary qualifications or their recognition, discrimination, lack of transportation to the workplace, difficulties in combining work and family care, as well as social health issues.

43% of the refugees surveyed speak Swedish, a significant improvement compared to last year's results (26%).

More than half of the refugees (55%) have enough funds to live on, of which 50% earn from work. 17% receive assistance from the state, and 15% receive financial support from family and friends. Approximately 44% of respondents live in their own housing.

Return of refugees to Ukraine

According to the study, only 13% of Ukrainian refugees plan to return to Ukraine if it becomes safe. Last year, this intention was held by 28% of respondents. 24% of refugees have not yet made a decision regarding return, compared to 31% in 2023. 58% of refugees do not want or cannot return to Ukraine, compared to 37% last year.

68% of those surveyed wish to stay in Sweden long-term, of which 72% are men. Studies show that stable work, high wages, and better social conditions encourage Ukrainians to build their future in Sweden, even after the end of the war in Ukraine.

The need for labor in Sweden is a problem in many sectors, particularly in education, healthcare, IT, engineering and construction, manufacturing, and mechanical engineering.

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