«There will be results»: ICC Prosecutor Khan commented on Mongolia's refusal to arrest Putin.

Khan commented on Mongolia's refusal to arrest Putin
Khan commented on Mongolia's refusal to arrest Putin

International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan stated that although the implementation of the Rome Statute's norms by the ICC is not ideal, Mongolia's refusal as a member state is not a reason for disappointment. He noted that Vladimir Putin appeared for the first Time in a country that is a signatory of the Rome Statute after two years of warrants against him. According to the prosecutor, this indicates that the arrest warrants have already started to take effect. Khan added that the implementation of norms and cooperation in the ICC are not ideal and there have been cases of noncompliance, but he urged not to be disappointed and to continue working on the application of international law.

In response to a question regarding the reaction to a member state's refusal to fulfill its obligations under the Rome Statute, Karim Khan noted that there is a special procedure involving a general meeting of ICC member states and a decision by the court.

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