RF drops guided bombs on an apartment building in Kharkiv: dozens injured.

RF dropped a CAB on a multistory building. Dozens injured
RF dropped a CAB on a multistory building. Dozens injured

Kharkiv once again subjected to Russian air attacks

On September 15, 2024, Kharkiv once again became a target for Russian aggression. Around three o'clock in the afternoon, the city was shaken by powerful explosions. Russian occupiers launched an attack using guided aerial bombs (GABs), causing severe destruction and numerous casualties among the civilian population.

This was reported by "Khvylya".

Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleh Synehubov: "Find shelter!"
Mayor of Kharkiv Ihor Terekhov: "The city was attacked again, there were repeated launches of GABs".

As a result of the strike, a multi-storey residential building in the Nemyshlianskyi district of the city was affected. A fire broke out in the building, and part of the structures was damaged. According to preliminary data, by the beginning of the fourth hour of the day, the number of injured reached 25 people, including three children.

Rescuers promptly arrived at the scene and continue to work, providing assistance to the injured and mitigating the consequences of the attack.

According to local channels, an hour before the strike, there was a tour for a U.S. delegation in one of Kharkiv's residential areas.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy: "This terror can be stopped. This war can be justly ended only by determination. It is determination that most effectively protects against terror".

Let's recall, on September 1, 2024, the RF fired dozens of rockets at Kharkiv, injuring 40 people.

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