How much funding is needed for demining Ukraine? Expert's response.

How much money is needed for demining Ukraine?
How much money is needed for demining Ukraine?

Ukraine needs at least 37 billion dollars to demine its territory. This was revealed by Andriy Savarets, the coordinator of the Ukrainian Association of Humanitarian Demining and Reconstruction, in an interview with NV.

«When the World Bank assessed the cost of demining, it was indicated that Ukraine needs 37 billion, and some even mention the figure of 50 billion. This is based on the classical manual demining approach», – stated the expert.

Andriy Savarets noted that according to the latest data, 142,000 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory are mined.

«Pleasantly, this figure has been reduced, as previously the number mentioned was 174 thousand square kilometers. However, thanks to non-technical surveys, many lands were excluded from this list, so the figure is decreasing. On the other hand, the conflict is still ongoing», – added the coordinator of the Ukrainian Association of Humanitarian Demining and Reconstruction.

Let us remind you that if Ukrainian land is cleared after the war using traditional demining methods, it may take a hundred years. Innovative methods could significantly simplify and speed up this process. This was stated by the Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and Director of the Crisis Bureau of UNDP, Shoko Noda.

By the way, the artificial intelligence platform will use new demining methods and advise on how to effectively clear specific areas of Ukraine from mines.

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