Service "remotely at home": The SBI exposed a scheme with salaries in a military unit.

Salary scheme in military unit
Salary scheme in military unit

In the Odessa region, the deputy commander of a military unit was detained, who organized a "remote service" for subordinates and received their payments for this.

According to the State Bureau of Investigation, the suspect, along with accomplices, organized a scheme in which some military personnel stayed at home, but according to documents were on duty and received monetary allowances for this. They gave their salaries to the organizers of the scheme, who in return received all the payments. During the operation of the scheme, they managed to rob more than 20 people for an amount of up to 20 million hryvnias.

"On August 2, the SBI, together with the National Police, detained the deputy commander of the military unit and some military personnel. During searches, weapons, ammunition, drugs, and over 118 thousand US dollars were found and seized from them."

The deputy commander of the military unit was charged with abuse of power and aiding in the evasion of military service. He was given a preventive measure in the form of detention with an alternative of bail in the amount of 20 million hryvnias. The article sanction provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 12 years.

The investigation is ongoing, and other individuals involved in organizing the scheme are being identified. Measures are being taken to arrest the property of the suspects to compensate for the damage caused to the state.

Recall that in the Volyn region, people started a riot in the TCC due to the detention of men.

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