Hot summer. Climatologist gave practical advice to Ukrainians for the future.

Hot summer. Practical advice from a climatologist
Hot summer. Practical advice from a climatologist

Ukrainians are recommended to reduce emissions and energy consumption, use greening and repaint building surfaces with light colors to fight the heat.

Denys Pishnyak, a candidate of geographical sciences, who heads the department of atmospheric physics and geospace at the National Antarctic Science Center, reported this.

It is worth adapting to climate changes as they are already happening. For this, you can use greening and solar energy for household appliances. It is also recommended to paint building surfaces in light colors to prevent overheating.

Earlier, Pishnyak emphasized that due to climate changes, the planet might face survival difficulties, but we shouldn't expect a temperature apocalypse. He also warned that in 30-50 years we will approach conditions that existed during the dinosaur era.

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