Fines and criminal liability: Ukrainians warned where it is strictly forbidden to take firewood.

Criminal liability for illegal logging
Criminal liability for illegal logging

Ukrainians were told where it is strictly forbidden to take firewood in order to avoid punishment.

According to Ukrainian legislation, there are places where it is prohibited to extract firewood for personal use. This information is spread through an article on the News.LIVE website.

Some people use forest resources to heat their homes. However, in order to use firewood in a legal way and avoid problems with the law, it is necessary to know exactly where it is forbidden to do so.

According to the Forest Code (Article 69), permits for the use of forest resources are issued by special tickets. These tickets specify specific purposes, types of resources and quantities that can be used. If these requirements are ignored, sanctions may be applied.

"Special permission for the use of forest resources is issued by forest owners or permanent forest users in the established procedure, as well as for carrying out other felling and related and unrelated forestry activities," - indicated in the Code.

Without a permit, Ukrainians can only collect bark, small twigs, leaves, and needles in the forest. Even dry trees are owned by the state, so their harvesting without a ticket is prohibited.

If a person cuts down a few trees, they are usually not at risk of responsibility. But illegal deforestation on a large scale is punishable by law. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is also preparing to sign a new bill that strengthens fines for illegal logging of forest resources.

Therefore, to avoid legal problems, it is recommended to purchase firewood only from official suppliers with the necessary license. Such suppliers can be found on the state internet portal "". There you can place an order online, choose the necessary wood species, contact the seller and pay for the goods.

Another option is to independently search for suppliers and make a purchase agreement for firewood. This approach guarantees loading resources from legal sources, as the buyer receives the necessary documents.

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