"The guilty must be punished": The Third Assault Brigade spoke about the liquidation of the MSEC.

Military discuss the liquidation of MCSEC
Military discuss the liquidation of MCSEC

In the Third Assault Brigade, they agreed with the decision to terminate the work of the MSEC and expressed the need to punish those guilty of corruption. This was stated by the deputy commander of the brigade, Maksym Zhorin.

"Everyone has long known about the corruption and inadequacy of the MSEC. Especially military personnel, who, for example, with amputations, are assigned a temporary disability group or associated with 'domestic injuries'. I won’t even mention the flourishing of corruption during mobilization," noted Zhorin.

According to him, it is extremely important to conduct an investigation and punish everyone involved in corrupt schemes. He recalled the lack of real punishment for MSEC corruptionists and emphasized the importance of ensuring that the new system does not create new opportunities for abuse.

Health Minister Viktor Lyashko announced that from January 1, 2025, the complete termination of the MSEC is planned. Instead of medical-social expertise, an assessment of human functioning and identification of their needs will be implemented.

Various departments will be involved in the process: the Ministry of Social Policy will analyze lost functions and possible compensatory mechanisms, the Ministry of Economy will be involved in cases where it is impossible to engage in the previous work, and the Ministry of Education will offer retraining options.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed Decree No. 732/2024, which enacts the decision of the NSDC to counteract corruption and other offenses in establishing disability for officials of state bodies.

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