Some vegetables and fruits will disappear in Poland: what is this related to.
From January 1, 2025, Poland stopped supplying premium fruits and vegetables. This information came from As part of the updated food labeling requirements in the European Union, new rules have been established. The main changes include mandatory indication of the country of origin and a ban on the use of marketing claims about product quality. The aim of these changes is to increase the transparency of information for buyers.
According to the new labeling rules, it is important to:
- Pay more attention to the country of origin of the product, rather than the country where it was packaged.
- Provide consumers the opportunity to obtain information about the place of origin of the product.
- Provide information about the product on the store label, factory packaging, and stickers on fruits and vegetables.
This will help consumers make a more informed choice when shopping.
Also, the European Union has banned the use of marketing slogans in product names. Terms that suggest the highest quality or premium can no longer be used. Instead, three new quality designations are being introduced:
- Class I (klasa I)
- Class II (klasa II)
- Extra class (klasa ekstra).
According to the new labeling rules, product labels must include the following information:
- Product variety
- Fruit size
- Number of pieces in the package
All information must be clearly legible so that the buyer can easily read and understand it.
Additionally, Lebanon plans to purchase Ukrainian meat and dairy products.
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