In the Rada, the feasibility of surviving on a subsistence minimum of 3000 hryvnias is assessed.

Living minimum of 3000 hryvnias.
Living minimum of 3000 hryvnias.

The head of the Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Roksolana Pidlasa, expressed concern that the official and actual subsistence minimums in Ukraine do not correspond to each other.

According to Pidlasa, the government has set the subsistence minimum at 3 thousand hryvnias per month, which, in her opinion, is insufficient for a normal life. At the same Time, the Ministry of Social Policy estimates the actual subsistence minimum at 9 thousand hryvnias.

Pidlasa also pointed out the problem of bringing the official subsistence minimum to the actual level, as many social benefits are linked to it. She believes that this category needs to be reviewed in the context of budget planning because inequality in determining the subsistence minimum causes negative attitudes among citizens towards the state.

"This causes a lot of negativity towards the state when we officially declare that a person can live on 3 thousand hryvnias, whereas the Ministry of Social Policy calculates the actual minimum at 9 thousand," noted Pidlasa.

The head of the Budget Committee proposed introducing a new basic calculation unit, which would become the basis for setting salaries for judges, prosecutors, and anti-corruption agency employees. This could solve the problem of discrepancy between the official and actual subsistence minimum.

Pidlasa also reported that in the draft budget for 2025, social standards will remain at the current level due to limited financial resources.

She gave an example that increasing the minimum wage by a small amount would require additional financial resources, which is difficult under the current economic situation.

It was previously reported that bonuses for some judges could be increased in Ukraine. The Ministry of Finance proposes paying local judges bonuses up to 40% of the official salary per month.

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