A woman in the US has been living with a transplanted pig kidney for over 2 months.

Woman with a transplanted pig kidney
Жінка в США успішно носить нирку свині, яка була пересаджена їй більше двох місяців тому.

The woman set a world record by living 61 days with a transplanted pig kidney

A 53-year-old woman from Alabama broke the world record by living 61 days with a transplanted pig kidney. Her name is Tovana Looney. This is not the first surgery she has undergone to save her mother. She now calls herself a superwoman and is more active than other members of her family. She feels great and has been actively walking around New York City.

She underwent dialysis for many years

Looney underwent dialysis for many years because she could not receive a donor organ due to her high antibody response, which rejected kidneys from other people. Therefore, when she considered the possibility of a pig organ transplant, no one knew how it would work in her case.

Successful surgery and rapid recovery

The surgery turned out to be successful, and Looney feels wonderful. Her kidneys are functioning normally, and she will soon be able to return home.

Hope for saving many lives

This is significant progress in transplanting organs from animals to humans. Although other Americans who underwent similar surgeries could not live more than two months, experts hope Looney will be the exception.

There are many people in America who need organ transplants, and many of them die waiting for their chance. There is hope that in the future, pig organ transplants will become more common and help save many lives.

This case makes Tovana Looney unique, but she hopes not to be the only one, and that pig organ transplants will become a life-saving option for many patients.

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