UAF to explain the purpose of Russia's naval exercises near NATO borders.

Russian military exercises near NATO borders
Russian military exercises near NATO borders

The Russian Federation conducted large-scale military exercises "Ocean-2024". The maneuvers took place in various parts of the world's oceans, including the Baltic Sea. Combat shootings were conducted in the Kaliningrad region. It was a demonstration of military presence and an attempt to frighten neighboring countries.

This opinion was expressed by the spokesperson for the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Captain 3rd Rank Dmytro Pletenchuk, in an interview with the FREEДOM TV channel.

According to him, Russia did not present anything new, such exercises are its typical tactic.

"In general, this is more like geopolitical games. The Russian Empire has been demonstrating military presence, military power, and attempting to scare neighbors for at least the last hundred years. So there's nothing new in these actions," Pletenchuk emphasized.

He believes that such actions by Russia do not scare neighboring countries but instead prompt them to pay more attention to Russia's aggressive policies and behavior.

"This prompts NATO countries to take measures to strengthen their borders and review their armed forces, and this is already happening. This is especially true for the North Atlantic Alliance. Some protocols were changed after the events in Ukraine. So Russia, in principle, is doing everything the opposite," said the spokesperson.

Pletenchuk also mentioned that some Time ago, the length of Russia's border with NATO significantly increased.

"Look at the length of Russia's borders with NATO, which they so desperately talk about in their propaganda studios. Somehow, these borders turned out to be twice as long. So, I repeat, there's nothing new in this," Dmytro Pletenchuk noted.

The spokesperson also expressed his opinion that Estonia and Finland are increasing their naval defense and plan to close the Gulf of Finland to Russian ships.

"It's hard to assess the capabilities of other armies in the world, but I'm sure, considering the number of countries in NATO and the actual area of this water area, Khmarnyi is most likely to have these capabilities," said the spokesperson.

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