In VRU, a bill on the private market of railway carriers was registered.

Bill on private market of carriers
Bill on private market of carriers

In the Verkhovna Rada, bill No. 12142 was registered, which will create a competitive market for railway transportation in Ukraine.

The goal of the bill is to implement European legislation and create a competitive market for railway transportation in Ukraine, reports Ekonomichna Pravda.

According to the bill, it is envisaged to create opportunities for carriers of different forms of ownership. All carriers will have equal access to the railway infrastructure.

This will improve the quality of services, create competition and accelerate Ukraine's integration into the EU, as stated in the explanatory note.

The bill is currently being considered by the Verkhovna Rada committee on transport and infrastructure.

At the same Time, the introduction of a competitive railway transportation market may lead to the loss of market share by "Ukrzaliznytsia".

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