Ukraine aims to interest American business with its minerals.

American business is interested in Ukrainian valuable minerals
American business is interested in Ukrainian valuable minerals

The governments of Ukraine and the United States are considering the possibility of deeper cooperation in the field of critical materials to encourage American business to enter Ukraine and invest in the extraction and processing of minerals.

The implementation of joint investment projects and other areas of economic partnership between Ukraine and the United States were discussed during a meeting between the Ministry of Economy leadership and the U.S. delegation.

"The Government of Ukraine expresses gratitude to the United States for unprecedented support to Ukraine in fighting the Russian aggressor, for financial, humanitarian, energy, and expert assistance. Ukraine is focused on further fruitful partnership in priority sectors of the economy and can offer a wide range of investment opportunities. One of the sectors with great potential for development is the sector of critical materials. Ukraine is one of the richest countries in Europe in terms of mineral resources, so the Government is interested in cooperating with the United States in the field of critical materials, which can help accelerate the green transition and improve the security situation in the region," said First Deputy Minister of Economy Oleksiy Sobolev.

The meeting also discussed the use of frozen Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine. The Government of Ukraine is grateful to the United States, the G7 countries, and the EU for providing Ukraine with financial support – $50 billion from future revenues of frozen Russian assets. The majority of these funds are planned to be provided as direct budget support to cover the budget deficit. Another part is to be directed towards the purchase of weapons and ammunition, including from Ukrainian manufacturers, as well as the financing of Ukraine's recovery.

Oleksiy Sobolev emphasized that the goal of the Ukrainian Government is to arrest all Russian state assets located abroad for the benefit of Ukraine.

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