Ukraine is Seriously Concerned About Destabilizing Activities of the Russian Federation in Africa - MFA Statement.

Ukraine condemns Russia's activities in Africa
Ukraine condemns Russia's activities in Africa

Ukraine expresses serious concern over the activities of the Russian Federation, which is unlawfully expanding its spheres of influence in Africa through the "African Corps" and Russian private military companies. This was stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the MFA, Russian mercenaries are causing irreparable damage to the stability and security of African countries, fueling contradictions and conflicts, causing human losses, and illegally exploiting minerals to finance the war against Ukraine.

"We note that the Russian army is trying to manipulate foreigners from Africa and the Middle East by deliberately involving them in the war against the Ukrainian people. We urge these foreigners to avoid serving in the Russian army and, if sent to the front, to utilize the 'I Want to Live' project, voluntarily surrender weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and preserve their lives. We strongly condemn the cynical use of African and Arab world citizens by Russia as mercenaries, whom the Kremlin ruthlessly exhausts in battles against Ukrainian forces on our country's territory," the MFA statement emphasized.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the governments of several African and Middle Eastern countries to publicly condemn Russia's actions and take all necessary measures to end this criminal practice.

The MFA emphasized that Ukraine is a victim of unlawful armed aggression by the Russian Federation and has the right to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. They call on all countries that value the UN's principles and goals to support Ukraine and effectively respond to aggressors and occupiers.

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