Ukraine to sign FTAs with European and Asian countries.

Ukraine signs agreements on FTA
Ukraine signs agreements on FTA

Ukraine prepares to update several free trade agreements

Ukraine plans to update several free trade agreements (FTAs) with European and Asian countries. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Economy Taras Kachka. One of the main tasks is to create an integrated trade space in the Black Sea region. For this, it is important to develop a partnership with Romania and to sign an FTA with Turkey.

"When we ratify this document, all Black Sea basin countries, except Russia, will be united in one system of rules of origin, with a single certificate of origin. This means more reliable supply chains, better understanding. And then there will be a different situation with food security in Africa and Southeast Asia," explained Kachka.

The agreement currently under consideration minimizes potential risks for Ukrainian businesses, taking into account the concerns of politicians and entrepreneurs. According to Kachka, this agreement is important for Ukrainian entrepreneurs. In addition, Ukraine plans to sign FTAs with the United Arab Emirates and to update agreements with Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Montenegro, and other European Free Trade Association countries. Negotiations with Mediterranean countries, particularly Tunisia and Lebanon, are also planned.

Ukraine has begun a dialogue with Pacific countries regarding the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Ukraine is interested in updating the agreement with Japan on mutual investment protection. Restoring trade relations is a priority for Ukraine, and many agreements with other countries will be coordinated in the near future.

Thus, Ukraine continues to expand its opportunities in global markets and improve access for its goods.

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