Ukraine fulfilled two more indicators for Ukraine Facility.

Ukraine - Ukraine Facility indicators
Ukraine - Ukraine Facility indicators

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Demographic Development Strategy until 2040 and signed the technical assignment for the development of an information system to ensure the functioning of the NEURC.

These are two indicators of the implementation of Ukraine's Plan for the implementation of the European Union initiative Ukraine Facility, aimed at improving the labor market situation and the living standards of Ukrainians, as well as implementing the electricity market reform within the framework of Ukraine's integration into the EU energy market, reports the Government Portal.

"Another 2 important indicators of Ukraine's Plan within the framework of the Ukraine Facility were adopted this week. They aim to improve the situation in state-priority sectors: energy and human capital. Therefore, I am grateful to the officials and the NEURC for their work. The Ministry of Economy, as the national coordinator of the Plan's implementation, provides support to the responsible government bodies and will continue to ensure the implementation of the Ukraine Facility", — said the First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Oleksiy Sobolev.

Ukraine's Demographic Strategy for the period up to 2040 defines specific measures to address key issues in the direction of human capital:

  • improving the birth rate;
  • reducing the level of premature mortality;
  • overcoming negative migration trends, particularly by returning Ukrainians from abroad;
  • activating as many citizens as possible who can work in the labor market;
  • promoting active longevity;
  • creating infrastructural and safety preconditions to improve the demographic situation.

"Agreed on the technical assignment for the development of an information system to ensure the functioning of the regulator (NEURC). This will allow building the system in such a way as to integrate it with market operators' systems, insider information platforms, data transmission administrators, and identify information indicating abuses", reported the Cabinet.

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