Ukrainians were explained what benefits are provided for prisoners of war and those released from captivity.

Benefits for prisoners of war and those released from captivity
Benefits for prisoners of war and those released from captivity

Military personnel who have returned from Russian captivity or are still in it have the right to comprehensive state support. Ukrainian legislation provides such persons with a wide range of social guarantees and benefits, the Ministry of Defense reported.

Individuals whose captivity has been established have the right to the following benefits and social guarantees:

a one-Time state cash assistance yearly state cash assistance – can also be provided to their family members during captivity medical, rehabilitation, psychological assistance, social and professional adaptation social services preferential provision of sanatorium-resort treatment or compensation for its cost priority right to accommodation from temporary housing funds retention of job during the entire period of captivity, as well as for six months after release the right to receive a one-time voucher for retraining or qualification improvement exemption from financial obligations and fines during captivity and for six months after release with the possibility of debt restructuring targeted support for obtaining education in state and communal educational institutions.

In addition, the payment of financial assistance is preserved for military personnel captured. A soldier can pre-arrange in writing, in free form, their payment to specific individuals. If there is no such order, the financial assistance is paid to the spouse, legal representatives of children, or parents.

How to obtain status and receive assistance

To take advantage of the provided benefits, it is first necessary to obtain official status as a person deprived of personal freedom due to armed aggression against Ukraine. For this, the military personnel, a family member, or a legal representative must submit an application to the Ministry of Community Development and Territories of Ukraine.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • a certificate of detention in places of deprivation of freedom indicating the duration or a document on participation in a volunteer formation
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Pre-Trial Investigations (if there is a criminal proceeding against the person)
  • notification from the Security and Defense Forces regarding the person.

A Special Commission reviews the submitted materials and makes a decision on granting the relevant status. After that, the data is entered into the Unified Register of persons whose personal freedom has been deprived due to armed aggression against Ukraine.

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