"Ukrenergo" acquired 500 MW of fast reserves for 5 years.

Ukrenergo acquires 500 MW fast reserves
Ukrenergo acquires 500 MW fast reserves

Ukrenergo held a special auction for the acquisition of automatic frequency restoration reserves

The company "Ukrenergo" held a second special auction for the acquisition of automatic frequency restoration reserves (aFRR) for a period of 5 years, during which participants demonstrated a high level of competition.

Preliminarily, all auction participants - 35 companies who made 807 proposals - are winners. Of the proposals that won, 41 units of generating equipment. About 90% of the auction participants are new to the energy market companies.

At the auction, "Ukrenergo" purchased 2 types of services for the provision of aFRR: 579 MW - loading service, i.e., the ability of electrical installations to support the power system by increasing the supply of electrical energy to the grid; 421 MW - symmetrical reserve, i.e., the ability of electrical installations to unload and load depending on the needs of the Ukrainian power system.

According to preliminary results, an average of 240 MW of reserves were purchased for the loading service in each hour, which is more than 41% of the need put up at the auction. Also, an average of about 260 MW of loading and unloading services (symmetrical reserve) were purchased in each hour - 62% of the need.

On average, the prices of loading proposals ranged from 484 to 971.15 UAH per megawatt, and for the symmetrical reserve - from 1049.40 to 1330.13 UAH per megawatt. The limit price for reserve acquisition services is 1339.82 UAH per megawatt.

The winners of the auction for the provision of aFRR services will have a fixed euro contract with NEC "Ukrenergo" for 5 years, with a one-year delay in the start of service provision. That is, investors will have Time until October 2025 to build a new electrical installation and pass equipment certification. Therefore, in a year, new balancing capacities will appear in the Ukrainian power system.

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