Ukrgasvydobuvannya increased the daily production rate of one of the wells by more than 5 times.

Daily well debit increased by 5 times
Daily well debit increased by 5 times

Ukrgasvydobuvannya increased the daily gas production rate of one well after performing a hydraulic fracturing operation. In 18 days, a team of specialists successfully repaired the well and boosted its productivity by more than 5 times.

Before this, the well had been operating with a gradual decline in gas production. However, after analyzing geological and technical data, the specialists decided to carry out a major overhaul of the well. The company's fleet was also upgraded, and the qualifications of the specialists were improved. As a result, the application of hydraulic fracturing became more effective.

"To efficiently extract gas reserves, we continue to implement the fracturing program. After upgrading our own fleet and enhancing competencies, our specialists are successfully applying hydraulic fracturing at Ukrgasvydobuvannya wells. Our workers operate at the level of international service companies. I want to thank the specialists from the Shebelinkagasvydobuvannya and UGV-SERVICE branches for quickly completing the tasks, which, together with the professional team from other Ukrgasvydobuvannya branches and with the support of the fracturing department, successfully performed the hydraulic fracturing. Now we have one more high-producing well,"
said Acting CEO of Ukrgasvydobuvannya Serhiy Lango.

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