A powerful explosion thundered in Kursk at night.

UKRAINE: Powerful explosion in Kursk
UKRAINE: Powerful explosion in Kursk

On the night of July 30, an explosion occurred in the city of Kursk, after which an air raid alert was announced in the region. This was reported by Russian media and the acting governor of the Kursk region, Alexey Smirnov.

At about 4:00 in the morning, an explosion was heard over Kursk, and a bright flash was visible in the sky. Due to the loud sound, car alarms in parking lots began to go off in several districts.

Three minutes after the explosion, at 4:03, Smirnov reported a missile threat in the Kursk region and urged residents to stay in rooms without windows and avoid going outside.

In the morning, the acting governor of the Kursk region reported that four missiles were destroyed in the sky over the Oktyabrsky and Kurchatovsky districts of the region. 

Recall that the Defense Forces of Ukraine struck important enemy targets on the territory of the Russian Federation. In particular, traction substations in the Kursk region were damaged.

As reported, on the night of July 28 to 29, the Kursk region of Russia was attacked by drones, causing explosions and fires in several areas. According to Governor Alexey Smirnov and Russian media, one of the objects that caught fire was an oil depot in the village of Polevaya. Local residents reported several powerful explosions and the characteristic sound of drones flying overhead.

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