The government has approved new requirements for televisions and electronic displays.

TVs and electronic displays with new requirements
TVs and electronic displays with new requirements

The government has approved a new Technical Regulation on eco-design requirements for electronic displays. This decision is aimed at harmonizing Ukrainian legislation with European standards and will contribute to reducing electricity consumption and harmful emissions. This was reported by the Cabinet's representative in the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk.

«It was established that the placing on the market and/or commissioning of electronic displays that meet the requirements of the Technical Regulation on eco-design requirements for televisions, and introduced into circulation before the entry into force of the Technical Regulation on eco-design requirements for electronic displays, cannot be prohibited or restricted due to non-compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulation on eco-design requirements for electronic displays», - said Melnychuk.

What will change?

The new regulation introduces stricter requirements for the energy efficiency of televisions and monitors that will be sold on the Ukrainian market. This means that manufacturers will be obliged to produce more energy-efficient models, which will allow consumers to save on electricity bills and reduce their carbon footprint.

Transition period

It is important to note that the new requirements will not apply to electronic displays that have already been imported into Ukraine and meet the previous standards. This means that consumers who purchased a television or monitor before the new regulation came into force will be able to continue using their devices.

Why is this important?

  • The new standards will help reduce electricity consumption, which is especially relevant in the context of the energy crisis.
  • More energy-efficient devices will lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which will help combat climate change.
  • The new requirements will encourage manufacturers to develop more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies.
  • The new regulation will provide a higher level of consumer rights protection, as they will be able to choose from a wider range of energy-efficient devices.

Recall that the Government will hold a competition for the construction of generation capacity.

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