ISW predicts significant difficulties for Russians in counterattacks in the Kursk region.

Significant difficulties for Russians during counterattacks in Kursk region
Significant difficulties for Russians during counterattacks in Kursk region

Experts from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) report that Russian forces are slightly continuing to advance in the Kursk region, especially in areas that are still not fully under the control of defense forces, and will encounter more difficulties in further counterattacks in areas under Ukrainian control.

"Russian forces continue to counterattack in the Kursk region on September 12, but achieve only minor successes due to Ukrainian offensive operations and defensive counterattacks," analysts state.

According to geolocated footage published on September 12, Russian forces made small gains to the west of Vishnivka and north of Krasnooktyabrsky.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that since the start of counterattacks on September 10-11, Russian forces have recaptured 10 settlements south and southwest of Korenovo, including Apanasovka, Byakhovo, Vishnevka, Viktorovka, Nezapnoe, Gordeevka, Krasnooktyabrskoye, Obukhovka, Snagost, and 10th October.

Analysts note that all these settlements are within the range of the Russian advance, but ISW has yet to see visual confirmation that Russian forces have captured any of these settlements, except for some parts of Snagost and Krasnooktyabrsky.

Again, according to geolocated data published on September 12, Ukrainian infantry managed to break through the border in Tyotkino, which is about 40 km southwest of the current Ukrainian front line in the Kursk region.

Additional geolocated data shows that Ukrainian armored vehicles and infantry bypass Russian anti-tank obstacles "Dragon's Teeth" on the Russian-Ukrainian border southwest of Novy Put, indicating successful troop advancement in this area, and Russian forces were not prepared to use these obstacles to repel Ukrainian attacks.

According to Russian sources, Ukrainian forces continue to advance in the area of the settlements Novy Put, Medvezhye, Snagost, Olgovka, and Fanaseyevka.

"Russian forces continue to advance in areas of the Kursk region that are still not fully controlled by Ukrainian forces, and will encounter more difficulties in further advancement into areas that are already under Ukrainian control," experts note.

The report also emphasizes that Ukrainian forces did not attempt to occupy consolidation positions in the Kursk region, and likely had fewer established positions in the forward areas on the outskirts of the salient, where recent Russian movements resumed.

"Russian counterattacks against Ukrainian positions that have more preparation and fortification are likely to be less successful than those that took place on September 10-11," experts underscore.

Source: Ukrainska Pravda

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