In Ukraine, carriers are being massively disconnected from the "Shlyakh" system due to drivers' actions.

Disconnection of carriers from the 'Shlyakh' system in Ukraine
Disconnection of carriers from the 'Shlyakh' system in Ukraine

According to Ukrtransbezpeka, 16 carriers were disconnected from the "Shlyakh" system due to violations of the rules for crossing the state border by conscripts. Among them are 13 individual entrepreneurs and three companies. The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported that these carriers were involved in the organization of illegal crossings of conscription-age men across the border during martial law.

Ukrtransbezpeka also reported dozens of cases of data misuse within the "Shlyakh" system. All these cases will be thoroughly checked before making a decision. It is worth noting that this practice of disconnecting carriers from the "Shlyakh" system due to the illegal exit of conscripts abroad began back in October last year.

Continuation of the practice of disconnecting carriers from the "Shlyakh" system

At that Time, 27 carriers were disconnected, and later this practice continued. In March 2024, 34 carriers were disconnected, in April - 24, in May - 12, in June - 6, and in August - 10 carriers.

Previously, Ukrainians were informed about the necessity for conscription-age male drivers to cross the border.

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