Urban Planning Cadastre Administrator Launched at the National Level in Ukraine.

Image of the City Planning Cadastre Administrator
Image of the City Planning Cadastre Administrator

Urban Planning Cadastre Administrator Launched at the National Level

On October 1, 2024, the Urban Planning Cadastre Administrator began its operations at the national level in Ukraine. This was reported by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories, and Infrastructure of Ukraine.

The state enterprise "Urban Planning Cadastre Administrator at the National Level" will also be responsible for the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction and the Unified State Address Register.

"The task of the administrator is to ensure transparency, accessibility, and effective management of the Urban Planning Cadastre at the national level. This will be possible due to the implementation of modern digital technologies that will facilitate the processes of design, development, and property management throughout the country. It is expected that the operation of the urban planning cadastre at the national level will contribute to increased transparency in urban planning, the development of the digital economy, and the improvement of conditions for investors," explained the ministry.

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