Ukrhydroenergo Comments on Attack on Kyiv HPP: Is There a Threat of Dam Bust.

Attack on Kyiv Hydro Power Plant: dam threat
Attack on Kyiv Hydro Power Plant: dam threat

At the Kyiv Hydro Power Plant, which was affected by a Russian missile strike on August 26, debris removal is being carried out. The General Director of Ukrhydroenergo Ihor Syrota stated that there is no threat of the dam breaking and flooding of territories.

"We are not yet able to assess all the technical consequences we have suffered and how much Time is needed for recovery. But as of today, there is definitely no threat of flooding or a dam break for the Kyiv HPP," Syrota said.

The Kyiv HPP is the first step of the Dnieper cascade of hydroelectric power plants and is located a few kilometers north of Kyiv. The water level in the Kyiv Reservoir is approximately 100 meters above sea level, while most of Kyiv is situated at higher elevations - up to 180 meters.

Syrota emphasized that during the attack, no employees were injured as all HPP workers were in shelters. "The main thing is to save people's lives. Everything else we will restore and rebuild. It's just a matter of finance, time, and human resources," he noted.

According to the head of Ukrhydroenergo, since the beginning of the invasion, Russia has carried out more than 130 missile strikes on Ukrainian hydro generation. "We have completely lost the Kakhovka HPP, and the DniproHES is also practically non-operational. The remaining stations are in the process of recovery," Syrota said.

Recovery Prospects

Regarding recovery prospects, Syrota noted that planning is complicated by constant strikes. "The task is to restore as much as possible by the autumn-winter period. But this is a difficult issue due to constant strikes. We plan one thing, the enemy plans another. So it's very difficult to predict anything," he explained.

Ukrhydroenergo has already lost more than 40% of its generating capacity but continues to balance the energy system as much as possible.

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