Scientists reveal the predicted date of the end of the world, foretold by Newton.

Scientist Newton predicted the end of the world
Scientist Newton predicted the end of the world

The famous scientist Isaac Newton, known for his contributions to science, also showed interest in theology and prophecies. Discovered works of his indicate that he predicted the end of the world in 2060. This was reported by the publication Daily Star.

Newton believed that the Bible contains prophecies about the future of humanity, especially in the book of Daniel. In 1704, writing on this topic, he stated that "the destruction of sinful nations, the end of tears and all worries" would occur in 2060. He determined this date based on his own interpretation of the text from the book of Daniel, which he understood as a period of 1260 years, beginning in the year 800 AD when papal authority began.

Newton was guided in his calculations by symbolic data and dates from the Bible. He believed that the expression "Time, times, and half a time" means 1260 days, which he interpreted as 1260 years. Determining the beginning of this period in the year 800, he understood that in 2060 the "corruption" of the church would end and a new era of peace would begin, historians claim.

Unlike many of his contemporaries, who saw in prophecies only the end of the world, Newton emphasized that 2060 might not just be the end, but the beginning of a new stage in human history. He believed that after the disappearance of the church's corruption, Christ would return and establish a millennial kingdom on Earth, which would bring prosperity and peace, according to biblical prophecies.

Despite his prophetic calculations, Newton emphasized that no one can know the exact date of the end of the world and stressed the importance of a cautious approach to such matters. He expressed concerns that inaccurate predictions could discredit the Bible and religion as a whole. Newton's prophecy about the end of the world in 2060 is interesting not only because of his scientific reputation but also because of the attempt to combine science and religion.

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