Vice Prime Minister: Russia has unleashed an unprecedented cyber war against Poland.

Russian hackers attack Poland with cyber weapons
Віце-прем'єр наголошує на безпрецедентному кіберконфлікті, який Росія розв'язала проти Польщі.

Poland has become the main target of Russian cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns among European countries

Russia continues its attacks on Poland ahead of the upcoming presidential elections, said Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization Krzysztof Gawkowski. He emphasized that Russian intelligence services have been conducting systematic attacks on the country in recent weeks and months.

Poland will soon present a detailed report on the Russian cyber war and the strategy to combat these threats, particularly in the context of protecting democratic processes ahead of the elections. Polish leadership claims that the intensity and scale of Russian cyberattacks are significantly higher than in other European countries and indicate attempts to destabilize the situation in the country.

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