The Irish authorities make a 'cynical step' regarding Ukrainian refugees|.

Irish government takes a 'cynical step' towards Ukrainian refugees
Irish government takes a 'cynical step' towards Ukrainian refugees

Ireland will reduce social benefits for Ukrainian refugees

Starting from September 1, Ireland will significantly cut the weekly state aid for Ukrainian refugees from 232 to 39 euros, reports Euro News.

Left-wing parties in Ireland criticize this decision, claiming that it will lead to an increase in child poverty and is a political distraction.

Paul Murphy from the People Before Profit Party claims: "The immediate consequence will be a sharp increase in child poverty in this country. We know that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian refugees here are women and their children. So this is really quite a disgusting step, quite a cynical step by the government."

The child benefit will be about 30 euros per week. The changes will affect 19 thousand refugees, although around 80 thousand Ukrainians have moved to Ireland since February 2022 due to the war with Russia.

This reduction in aid will position Ireland at the same level as France, where refugees receive about 48 euros per week, and without accommodation - slightly more than 99 euros per week.

In Germany, the assistance amounts to 563 euros per month, and the child payment exceeds 470 euros, which is about 120 euros per week. However, the Irish government claims that the proposed reduction in social benefits makes the country similar to most EU countries.

Barry Ward-Fine from the Gael party says: "This is a step aimed at two things: to align us with our European colleagues across the Union, and to ensure that all Ukrainian recipients of temporary protection here are on the same footing. So it doesn't depend on when you arrived in Ireland, everyone will get the same."

It is likely that these changes will deter many refugees from the idea of moving to Ireland. In addition, the housing issue in the Irish economy remains serious for the government.

It is also worth noting that Ukrainian refugees in Ireland also express disappointment in the country's policy. Those who were forced to flee the war to Ireland feel disappointed. Ukrainian refugees have to constantly move, returning to where they started from.

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