Enemy struck Kharkiv twice during the night.

double strike on Kharkiv at night
double strike on Kharkiv at night

Shelling of Kharkiv carried out by Russian troops

On the night of September 19, Russian-fascist troops struck Kharkiv twice. According to the city's mayor, Igor Terekhov, the first strikes occurred at 1 am in the forest strip of the Shevchenkivskyi district. Currently, it is being determined what type of rockets were used and the extent of the damage. In general, residential buildings located near the epicenters of the explosions were affected.

Furthermore, at 5 am, Terekhov reported a repeated strike. This Time with a trio of KABs. One rocket hit between a school and a kindergarten in the Industrial district, with another striking near a depot in the Saltivskyi district. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but windows in the nearby buildings were shattered.

The third rocket landed in the suburbs, but details are currently unknown.

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