Railway in Poltava region damaged by shelling, some trains significantly delayed.

Damaged railway in Poltava region
Damaged railway in Poltava region

At night, in the Poltava region, the railway infrastructure was damaged due to shelling. Part of the trains in the Kharkiv direction changed routes with significant delays. This was reported by «Ukrzaliznytsia».

«The tracks, contact network, supports, etc. were damaged. Restoration work has already been carried out, part of the trains were passed with reserve diesel locomotives, and now the power supply has been almost completely restored. Fortunately, no one was injured», – the message says.

Representatives of the railway company are also collecting information about passenger transfers to organize further trips. 

«Information about trains running with delays can be found on the portal uz-vezemo.uz.gov.ua. If you are on board one of these trains and have a transfer, please contact the conductor or stewardess – our dispatchers will arrange all necessary connections».

According to the Air Forces, on the night of August 4, the enemy launched an assault using S-300 missiles on the Kharkiv region and guided aviation missiles Kh-59 on the Poltava region from the Kursk region. Five «Shahed» combat drones were also detected, striking in the area of Primosrsko-Akhtarsk, Russia.

As a result of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the electronic warfare units of the Air Forces, 5 «Shahed-131/136» drones were destroyed in the Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, and Zaporizhzhia regions.

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