Reduced prices did not last long: gas stations have again increased the cost of gasoline, diesel, and auto gas.

Fuel prices raised again
Fuel prices raised again

Gas stations are again increasing fuel prices

According to the data from the Minfin portal, after the reduction of fuel prices, gas stations began to increase their cost again.

In recent days, only the price of auto gas increased by a few kopecks, but today, August 29, the prices of all types of fuel have increased.

Fuel prices / Photo: Canva

In particular, the price of A-95 premium gasoline increased by 2 kopecks to 60.24 UAH/l, the price of A-95 gasoline increased by 1 kopeck and now costs 56.58 UAH/l. A liter of A-92 gasoline rose by 3 kopecks and costs 53.35 UAH.

The price of diesel fuel also increased by 2 kopecks and is 52.85 UAH/l. The price of auto gas has increased the most again, rising by 6 kopecks to 28.78 UAH.

Let us remind you, Kuun predicted how the increase in excise taxes will affect the price of fuel.

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