AFU shot "point-blank" and grounded a Russian Ka-52 over Kursk.

Ukrainian armed forces shoot at close range at the Russian Ka-52 above Kurshchyna
Ukrainian armed forces shoot at close range at the Russian Ka-52 above Kurshchyna

Ukrainian military shot down a Russian "Alligator" helicopter over Kursk region

On August 10, the Ukrainian military achieved another victory in the airspace, shooting down a Russian Ka-52 "Alligator" combat helicopter over the Kursk region. This information was confirmed by Russian propaganda sources, including Telegram channels close to the Russian military.

It is known that the Ukrainian military shot down the "Alligator" using a portable Stinger missile system. This helicopter is referred to by the Russians as a "flying tank" and its cost is about 16 million dollars.

The "Alligator" air unit is armed with a powerful laser-guided cannon and an anti-tank missile system. However, the Ukrainian warriors sent it to the ground, showcasing their determination and skill.

This is another success for the Ukrainian Air Forces, which in one day destroyed 2 helicopters and 12 drones.

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