Dismissal of the Commander of the 80th Air Assault Brigade Ishkulov: Media Revealed the Reason.

Photo of the Commander 80th Separate Assault Brigade Ishkulov
Photo of the Commander 80th Separate Assault Brigade Ishkulov

The commander of the 80th Air Assault Brigade, Emil Ishkulov, was dismissed due to a conflict with the command. In particular, the commander was against sending fighters who were in the recovery phase to a certain direction (1).

For some Time, the fighters of the 80th Air Assault Brigade were in the recovery phase, but they were not allowed to fully recover because the brigade received an order to advance in a certain direction (2).

Ishkulov considered such a task unrealistic due to the lack of time, strength, and manpower.

This position did not please the command, so he was removed from his post (3).

The new commander of the 80th Air Assault Brigade will be Pavlo Rozlach – the former commander of the 82nd Air Assault Brigade, who was previously dismissed from his position for the same reason as Ishkulov (4).

The commanders of the air assault battalions of the 80th Galician Brigade appealed to the President of Ukraine, the commanders of the Armed Forces and the Air Assault Forces with a request not to dismiss Ishkulov (5).

In the appeal, the commanders of the 80th Brigade noted that Ishkulov is a professional military man who has leadership qualities, combat experience, knowledge of captivity, and possesses numerous awards.

There was information that Ishkulov could be dismissed for refusing to complete a task that exceeded the capabilities of the brigade (6).

The Command of the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine commented on the decision regarding Ishkulov after the widespread publicity. They stated that Ishkulov should be appointed to a higher position since he has invaluable combat and command experience (7).

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