October 27: What Holiday is Today, Traditions and Prohibitions.

Traditions and prohibitions on October 27
Traditions and prohibitions on October 27

On October 27, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Writing and Language, as well as Driver's Day and World Occupational Therapy or Ergotherapy Day. Believers honor the memory of Saint Martyr Nestor.

Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language

The Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language was celebrated for the first Time on November 9, 1997. This holiday was initiated by the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma. Since then, it is celebrated annually at the state level.

November 9 was chosen intentionally, as this day honors Venerable Nestor the Chronicler, who wrote the oldest Ukrainian chronicle, "The Tale of Bygone Years." It is believed that this work starts the history of the written Ukrainian language.

When Ukraine switched to the new church calendar in 2023, the dates of all fixed holidays shifted by 13 days. Therefore, Ukrainian Language Day was moved to October 27.

Driver's and Road Workers' Day

This holiday falls on the last Sunday of October. It was established to honor workers of automotive transport and road services who play an important role in the development of the country's economy and ensuring safety and comfort for citizens. Various events are held on this day, where the best workers in the sector are recognized, and educational programs are conducted to enhance road safety.

World Occupational Therapy or Ergotherapy Day

This holiday is intended to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity and rehabilitation for human health. Ergotherapy, also known as occupational therapy, uses physical exercises for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. This holiday also aims to support specialists working in this field and to increase public awareness of the importance of physical rehabilitation.

What Church Holiday is October 27?

In the church calendar, October 27 marks the memory of Saint Martyr Nestor, also known as Nestor the Chronicler. He was a renowned East Slavic historian and writer who lived in the 11th century and was a monk at the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery.

Nestor the Chronicler is the author of "The Tale of Bygone Years," one of the most important sources for studying the history of Rus'. His life and work are celebrated for his faithfulness to his faith and contributions to the development of East Slavic culture and historiography.

Prohibitions and Omens

  • Do not overeat, as it may lead to health issues.
  • Do not make empty promises.
  • Avoid talking about trivialities.

Folk Omens and Traditions

  • If snow falls on wet ground, it means spring will come early.
  • If frost remains on trees all day, expect rapid frosts.
  • If a goose swims on the water for long, frosts are not imminent.
  • If fog is seen in the morning, it will thaw.

Memorable Dates

  • 1654 - A 50,000-strong army of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth moves to Podolia and Bratslav under the command of Stanisław Potocki.
  • 1662 - English King Charles II sells Dunkirk to the Kingdom of France.
  • 1882 - The first professional national realistic theater in Ukrainian lands is established under the leadership of M. L. Kropyvnytskyi.
  • 1904 - The New York City Subway opens.
  • 1937 - The beginning of shootings in the Sandarmokh Tract, where State Security Captain Mikhail Matveev shot 1,111 prisoners of the Solovki Special Purpose Prison, including prominent Ukrainian intellectuals.
  • 1938 - The Union of Soviet Artists of Ukraine is created at the I Congress of Artists of the Ukrainian SSR.
  • 1951 - Radiation is used for cancer treatment for the first time.
  • 1982 - The People's Republic of China announces its population exceeded 1 billion residents.

Name Days

Today, the angel day is celebrated by: Andriy, Valentyn, Mark, Nestor.

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