How Ukrainians named their babies in 2024? A list of unique names.

A list of unique names for babies in 2024
Оригінальні імена дітей: нові тенденції 2024 року в Україні

Ukrainians choose unusual names for their children

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine reported on popular names given to children in 2024. This information was published by the government on Facebook.

Among these names were some unexpected options such as Barbie, Merci, Sultan, and Dobrynya.

The Ministry noted that in recent years, the most popular names among children are Sofia and Artem.

Popular names for girls include Anna, Maria, Catherine, Solomiya, Sofia, Polina, Victoria, and Milana. Popular names for boys include Maxim, Bohdan, Dmytro, Mykhailo, Andriy, Artem, Denys, Danilo, Tymofiy, Makary, and Mark.

However, some parents choose rare and extraordinary names for their children. For example, Yangolya, Dzyvinka, Askold, and Svyatogor for girls, as well as Panteleimon, Solomon, Tamerlane, Eney, Arnold, Elisei, Dobrynya, Zoreslav, Zorovavel, Yair, Severyn, and Sultan for boys.

In 2024, more than 176,000 newborns with unique names were registered.

The Ministry reminds that the process of naming in Ukraine is regulated by legislation and has its peculiarities. A person can change their name with the consent of parents or guardians from the age of 14 and independently from the age of 16. The main thing is to feel harmony with your name!

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