Asan Isenadjiyev shared how captivity in Olenivka influenced his personality.

Asan Isenadzhiev, prisoner of Olenivka
Asan Isenadzhiev, prisoner of Olenivka

Soldier Asan Isenadjiyev shared about depression after captivity in Olenivka

Former soldier Asan Isenadjiyev shared that after experiencing captivity in Olenivka, he suffers from depression. He stated this in an interview with journalist Ramina Eskhakzai on the YouTube channel "Ramina".

Asan noted that he felt a serious blow when his comrades died during the attack on "Azovstal". The loss of friends with whom he had been through a lot hit him hard.

"You understand that to exist in this world you must have friends, tested by Time. And you don't have time physically. And the friends with whom you have been through a lot are no longer there", - said Asan.

According to him, he and his comrades understood that captivity was not easy, but it was their chance for survival.

"You understand that you are in captivity, they are trying to burn you alive, and no one can do anything", - Asan reminded.

Asan Isenadjiyev shared that after the explosion at the Olenivska colony, all the surviving soldiers were thrown into a punishment cell where they did not see sunlight for a month. There were 36 Ukrainian defenders in that cell for a month, though it was intended for six people.

"You hear every day how your comrades are being tortured. Then they take you to Taganrog, where you are beaten every day. There your personality gets erased. I started visualizing burying my loved ones. For a while it helped me, I imagined that they were no longer there. And then after some time, my conscience began to reproach me. And a certain cycle began", - Asan said.

He also noted that soldiers are afraid to talk about their depressive states because they fear judgment and believe they will be accused of weakness.

"When I returned from captivity, I could cry just seeing a puppy on TikTok. Funerals, farewells - I can't cry physically. The feelings of love that I had at 22 are gone. People think that if a person is in uniform, they are like a rock, but no one thinks that a person comes back from a mission, they've lost someone, what losses they've experienced - no one cares", - Asan shared.

According to him, people are afraid of changes because all Ukrainians have experienced stress and threat during the war, so many have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Asan Isenadjiyev became known after recording an appeal to Recep Erdogan, President of Turkey, asking for help for the Azov members during the tight siege in Mariupol. The appeal reached Ukrainian and Turkish media and the President of Turkey. After that, several solutions to the situation were proposed.

It is important to remember that many Ukrainians suffer from depression after the stress experienced during the war. The process of adaptation and overcoming this condition is important for the further development of society.


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