Britain and the Netherlands summoned the Iranian ambassadors over missile supplies to Russia.

Missile Deliveries to Russia: Diplomatic Summons from Britain and the Netherlands
Missile Deliveries to Russia: Diplomatic Summons from Britain and the Netherlands

The British Foreign Office summoned the temporary chargé d'affaires of Iran over Tehran's transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia.

"The UK government has made it clear that any transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia will be seen as a dangerous escalation and will elicit a serious response," the British Foreign Office said in a statement.

Earlier, the Netherlands summoned the Iranian ambassador, and the Dutch Foreign Minister Kaspar Veldkamp on the X network called for "new, strict EU sanctions" against Tehran.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during a visit to London on September 10, said that Russia received ballistic missiles from Iran and is likely to use them in the war in Ukraine in the next few weeks.

The US, Germany, Britain, and France have imposed new sanctions against Iran, including restrictive measures against the Iranian national airline Iran Air.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, during a press conference in Kyiv on September 11, said that he received "the same information we saw in the media, without any details about the quantity... at the intelligence level from partners." He added: "I will be able to confirm this when there is evidence. As it was with North Korea. We currently know about the use of a large number of Iranian drones. There are no other details about the use of Iranian missiles so far."

The Iranian Foreign Minister stated on September 11 that Tehran had not provided Russia with any ballistic missiles and that the sanctions imposed on Iran would not solve any problems.

"Again, the US and E3 (Britain, Germany, and France - ed.) are acting on the basis of incorrect intelligence and flawed logic. Iran has NOT provided ballistic missiles to Russia. Period... Sanctions are not the solution; they are part of the problem," Reuters quotes Minister Abbas Araqchi.

Russia also denies reports of receiving missiles from Iran and calls EU and US statements "baseless."

Source: Voice of America

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