Due to tankers of the 'shadow fleet' of the Russian Federation, the risk of oil spills near the coast of Denmark has significantly increased — Media.

Image of the risk of an oil spill near the coast of Denmark
Image of the risk of an oil spill near the coast of Denmark

Ukrainian experts are increasingly avoiding tankers that transport Russian oil through the dangerous straits of Denmark. In recent months, the number of vessels using the services of local pilots has decreased, which could lead to an increased risk of oil spills near the country's coastline.

According to Bloomberg and Danwatch, in the three months leading up to July, 20% of the 'shadow fleet' tankers transporting Russian oil through Danish straits refused the assistance of local experts who know the local waters. This is significantly more than a year ago when this figure was 4%.

The local waters in the Danish straits are difficult for navigation due to the presence of shoals, strong currents, and varying water depths. The assistance of local pilots has been a practice that helped avoid major oil spills. However, due to the ban on storing Russian oil on major tankers due to sanctions, Moscow is increasingly using old vessels with undeclared owners and dubious insurance, on which most of the Russian oil is now transported. These vessels are the ones most frequently refusing local experts' services.

The danger of accidents due to the unfamiliarity with local waters, old vessels, and invalid crew training poses a real threat to the marine ecosystem and the coastline. Since the beginning of 2023, almost 1200 tankers carrying Russian oil have exited the Baltic Sea, and one out of six of them belonged to the 'shadow fleet'. In the last three months, a fifth of these vessels have refused the help of Danish pilots.

This is becoming an example of Denmark and the European Union's inaction regarding ecological threats. Although under the freedom of navigation agreement, all vessels have the right to transit through the Danish straits, both the International Maritime Organization and Denmark itself recommend using the services of local experts. However, mandatory use of pilots could cause a conflict with Russia and shut down an important source of global oil supply.

Source: ZN.UA

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