Onions and garlic will stay fresh for up to six months - how to store them properly.

Package with fresh vegetables and spices
Package with fresh vegetables and spices

Significantly prolong the storage of onions and garlic by knowing the place where they will remain fresh for months.

For example, avoid the refrigerator, as the excess moisture will make the onions and garlic soft and moldy, writes Mirror.

It is better to keep garlic and onions in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place in the kitchen. There, they can be stored for three to six months.

However, culinary experts say that onions and garlic can rot if simply placed in a kitchen drawer. Instead, perforated paper bags allow for air circulation and keep the vegetables fresh for a long Time.

To properly store onions and garlic, you will need a brown paper bag, a hole punch, a marker, and clips. Before placing onions or garlic in the bag, make sure they are firm and fresh.

First, fold the bag in half lengthwise and punch one edge. Then, turn the folded bag over and punch the other edge - about 3 cm apart. After this, fill the bag halfway with onions or garlic. Label it with a marker and use paper clips on the top to secure it in place.

With this storage method, onions and garlic can stay fresh for up to six months.

It's better to store carrots in the cellar or basement during winter. But, if there are no such places, vegetables are traditionally kept on the balcony or in the pantry.

Often, they are placed in boxes, bags, or sacks. But this should not be done.

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