Pure Fraud». Kyiv Taxi Drivers at the Station Outraged Famous Actress.

Actress is outraged by taxi drivers' fraud
Actress is outraged by taxi drivers' fraud

Ukrainian actress and TV presenter Rimma Zyubina expressed her outrage over inflated taxi prices near the railway station in Kyiv. She published a statement on Facebook.

According to the actress, taxi drivers at the railway station offer very high prices for their services.

Taxi at the railway station in Kyiv is a horror and shame! I'm coming from the train and at the traffic light on the corner of Saksaganskoho/Petliura a young mother with two children approaches me: "Can you tell me, how can I catch a taxi? We haven't been here for two years. We need to go to Volynska Street. There near the station, they said '1000 UAH', then '800', and I say - 'let's go for 400'. And the taxi driver says 'I won't go for 400'”, Rimma Zyubina said.

The actress helped the young mother to call a taxi for a much lower amount: "I called a taxi for 140 UAH".

Rimma Zyubina expresses her outrage about inflated taxi prices and calls the situation a scam: "Waited until it arrived, put Olena with the children in the car. They are sleepy, tired. They went, and I'm going and thinking 'When will it end? I've been observing this from my first visit to Kyiv. This scam. Who is it aimed at? Why does some rude person allow themselves to feel superior to other people? This is pure fraud and there's no responsibility! Welcome to the capital of Ukraine – the center of Europe... the melody plays".

Social media users note that the situation with inflated taxi prices is widespread in every Ukrainian city.

Let's recall that even during the war in Kyiv, rental prices are rising. The cost has increased by almost 50% since the beginning of the year. The rent of apartments in Kyiv in the last six months has increased by almost 7.6 thousand UAH (this concerns the total cost of all available housing on the market, not counting the number of rooms).

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