Cheap Chinese Exports: The US Will Send a Delegation to Beijing - WSJ.

Cheap Chinese export of goods
Cheap Chinese export of goods

The United States government will send a delegation to Beijing to discuss the issue of the flow of Chinese goods that have flooded global markets and are threatening other countries. The delegation of American specialists will hold talks with Chinese representatives at the beginning of next week. The main focus of the discussion will be on macroeconomic imbalances and China's industrial policies that harm other countries. Many countries have already imposed tariffs and other barriers on Chinese goods, feeling the squeeze on their industries due to China's excessive exports.

This problematic flow of cheap goods could lead to the closure of industrial enterprises and exacerbate issues in developed countries. Despite weak domestic demand, China is still expanding its production capacities and sending products abroad. Furthermore, China does not plan to change its industrial policies, as it believes this is a key factor in its development and surpassing the United States.

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