Witch the Combat Medic Returns to Zhytomyr on a Shield: Remembering Tetiana Khutorna.

Combat medic Tatyana Khutorna
Combat medic Tatyana Khutorna

Every day at 9 am, Ukrainians honor the memory of all whose lives were taken by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Today we remember Tetiana Khutorna.

On October 12, 2024, during a combat mission, the brave defender of Ukraine, medic Tetiana Vasylivna Khutorna (call sign Witch), tragically died. This was reported by the Zhytomyr City Council.

Tetiana Khutorna was born on March 23, 1986, in Zhytomyr. She studied at general education school No. 16. From a young age, Tetiana decided on her future profession – to serve society and the people of Ukraine. After graduating from school, she entered the National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, specializing in "Law" and obtained a lawyer's qualification. Afterward, she trained at the Zhytomyr School of Professional Training for Police Officers and worked in law enforcement in Zhytomyr region.

From childhood, Tetiana Khutorna was engaged in sports, had a talent for drawing, loved books and merry travels with her family. She was strong, willful, determined, persistent, had a heightened sense of justice, and was tactful and balanced in communication with others.

Since February 2023, Khutorna joined the ranks of the Defenders, becoming a medic of the "Safari" regiment of the integrated assault brigade of the National Police of Ukraine "Fury". In the army, she was given the call sign Witch.

About the origin of the Witch nickname, Khutorna said: "They say: 'You have such eyes, unlike anyone else.' Initially, I wrote a report for the medical platoon, and in May, I relocated to another battalion, to the second company. There, at work, in some cases during service, they told me: 'You must be a witch; you're somehow lucky. When you go on a call, everything works out immediately. Cases are solved, and we work well with the guys.' And so it turned out."

In the "Safari" regiment, Tetiana met a man with whom she planned a life together after the war. But these plans were not to be fulfilled. The medic with the call sign Witch heroically died while on a combat mission on October 12, 2024.

The farewell to combat medic Tetiana Khutorna took place on October 16 at the St. Michael's Cathedral in Zhytomyr.

During the farewell to the combat medic, comrades spoke of Tetiana as intelligent, cheerful, gifted, able to find direction in stressful situations, and dreamed of returning home and buying a house.

"I met Tetiana in February when I joined the 'Safari' regiment. They said there was such a girl — Tetiana, very strict, doesn't like girls, prefers to be in the company of guys. But when she returned from vacation, and we met, I saw she was very empathetic, smart, interesting, and fun. We became friends, communicated, visited each other, spent free Time in cafes. Although we lived in different cities, we found time to communicate. The last time we talked was during her award ceremony. She said that it wasn't her honor, but an award for all the guys. She didn't want fame; she was modest and a very good person. Tanya wasn't, but is in our hearts," said Tetiana Khutorna's comrade, Tetiana.

The psychologist of the "Safari" regiment, Oksana Kozhukhar, said that Tetiana Khutorna was a talented combat medic.

"A medic must also be a psychologist, and she succeeded in that. She was a model for the guys. When in stress, one had to orient, Tetiana always knew where everything was positioned. When she saw someone losing direction due to stress, she knew how to bring them together. She greatly dreamed of buying a house, returning home. She talked about how tomatoes would grow for her. Never forgot she was a mother to a girl. From afar, she maintained contact with the teacher and daughter," said Oksana Kozhukhar.

Tetiana Khutorna is survived by her parents and daughter.

"Glavkom" joins in a moment of silence. We honor the memory of all Ukrainians who died fighting for their Motherland. We remember those who died at the hands of Russian invaders, light candles of memory, and bow our heads in mourning during the national moment of silence, honoring the bright memory of the citizens of Ukraine who gave their lives for the state's freedom and independence: all military, civilians, and children, all who perished fighting against Russian occupiers and due to enemy attacks on Ukrainian cities and villages.

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