«Add bacon to ice cream?»:.

McDonald's will not use artificial intelligence for orders
McDonald's will not use artificial intelligence for orders

McDonald's has decided to discontinue its artificial intelligence trials in its restaurants in the USA. After two years of testing automated order taking conducted in collaboration with IBM, this technology will be removed from over 100 restaurants. In an email sent to franchisees, it was announced that the experiment has ended. However, the company leaves open the possibility of trying artificial intelligence in the future and will seek a new partner for automated order taking.

«IBM, together with McDonald's, developed technologies for automated order taking to support the use of voice-activated artificial intelligence in restaurants. It has been proven that this technology provides some of the best capabilities in the industry, it is fast... As we move forward, our work with IBM has added confidence that voice ordering solutions will become part of the future of our restaurants,» McDonald's stated. 

At the very beginning of the system's implementation, social networks were full of protests against it. Users actively criticized it by sharing videos where they unsuccessfully tried to place an order through McDonald's artificial intelligence. For example, three cases where the artificial intelligence suggested the wrong order in the form of bacon for ice cream, nine cups of tea instead of one, or 2010 chicken nuggets instead of 20.

It is also worth noting that the company Food Solutions KZ, which managed McDonald's in Kazakhstan, changed the restaurant names for the third Time. Now they are called I'm, and the cafe and drive services are named I'm café and I'm drive. 

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