Expert named key obstacles in the installation of energy-efficient equipment in Ukraine.

Key obstacles to installing energy-efficient equipment
Key obstacles to installing energy-efficient equipment

Investors' opportunities exceed community demand

The head of the Ukrainian association of energy service companies, Oleksii Korchmit, stated that investors have more opportunities than demand from communities when it comes to installing solar power plants. He noted this in an interview with Ukrinform, commenting on the implementation of the UNDP Project 'Removing Barriers to Promote Investment in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Small and Medium Towns in Ukraine through the ESCO Mechanism'.

'I will say one very important thesis: as of today, investors' opportunities exceed community demand. Investors write to us: give us more objects, and we have nothing to offer,' Korchmit noted.

According to the expert, the main obstacle to scaling is the lack of conscious energy-efficient behavior.

'As of today, we have 507 projects in development for both insulation of kindergartens and schools, and for solar power plants in hospitals and water utilities. And the number of signed contracts is 35. What does this indicate? That the majority are screened out at the level of 'don't want', 'can't', and many other reasons why this shouldn't be done. And this is not the position of the investor, but mainly the applicant in the person of budget managers and recipients of budget funds!' Korchmit noted.

The expert believes that the situation may change after the President's instruction to the government to establish simplified conditions for installing solar panels and batteries for citizens. In particular, it is planned that each school and hospital should have solar panels and energy storage systems.

'It is quite possible. But in schools, these are non-profitable projects because solar power plants will generate energy when no one is there, so the economic logic is lacking for investors to go there. But in hospitals, where consumption is around the clock and year-round, they will go,' Korchmit explained.

However, Korchmit stressed that the state must send a signal to the population and heads of state and municipal properties that the game of energy efficiency and green transformation is over, and this is not just a right but a duty, even a debt to the nation – everyone must contribute!

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